

Friday 19 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 57

Today I was able to somewhat create a flash effect for the text. I haven't found a script that actually works with my game but I was able to do a simpler method of creating a sprite and sub-images inside of it. I created multiple subimages containing the text and then other subimages where it is left empty. I then added a small script so that the images will change and loop from there:
image_speed = 1;
At this point, I am experiencing a little difficulties with resizing the objects as they are always too large or too small. I'm not sure why it is happening as resizing was easy to do when I first started with Game Maker. For now, the flash text I created is what I wanted.

Thursday 18 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 56

Something I want to try and do now, is look for different types of text effects I can use. So far, I was able to discover the typography text effect where the letters appear individually and fade in. Now what I plan to do is look for a text effect that looks similar to this one:

I want this text effect to appear on the menu screen as a "Press Spacebar to Continue" type of thing (since I set the room change to when spacebar is pressed). This will lead the player on to the next room. At this point, any text effect will be considered but finding a flashing type effect would be great because the flashing will attract the attention to where it's needed

Wednesday 17 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 55

Since the default colour of the drawn text is black, I decided to change it so it is easier to see on the intro screen. I remembered by using the draw_set_color(colour); script on the draw event, the colour can be changeable. In this case, I used the colour white "draw_set_color(c_white);":

Now upon starting, it will appear like this (which I find looks better):

For now, this menu screen looks really plain so I plan to add a few more things including a logo for the game or the title of the game itself, so I will be looking forward to adding those in.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 54

I was finally successful in completing animated text and an intro screen that transitions well. Now I want to adjust it slightly so that the colour of the text is changable and the scripts I used are more compressed. But for right now, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. Basically the scripts that are implemented into the game for the intro screen creates the text and the fading in/out effect (this is where the "alpha" action comes into place). The draw event is somewhat complex which I plan to adjust.

Monday 15 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 53

Currently, I am looking for a method that allows me to place animated text to individual rooms in my game. To start, I am looking at a few videos showing ways to draw text. I am looking at these videos because drawing text is created through the use of scripts, which I am the most comfortable about using right now. I also came across a page created by Game Maker that explains all the draw actions which I feel will be useful later on:

Friday 12 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 52

Today, I was finding a way to create a fade in effect for the text in my intro screen. Currently, I am working around this script for right now to see if it will work with my game:

image_speed = 0.15
if (showtext ==1)
    draw_rectangle_color(81,51,295,89,c_black, c_black, c_black, c_black, false);
    draw_rectangle_color(82,52,294,88,c_gray, c_gray, c_dkgray, c_dkgray, false);
    draw_text(x+1,y-95+1,"Title Of Game")
    draw_text(x,y-95,"Title Of Game")

Most of the script is setting/centering the text in the game and the other bit is drawing the text and having a speed set on when the text appears. I'll be working around this script next class so it will be compatible in the games I'm creating. 

Thursday 11 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 51

Today I finally was able to create a somewhat working intro screen for the game.What I did was connect the script of the intro screen with the background used for the intro. For the transitioning event, I made it so when the space bar is pressed, the next room appears (which in this case, is the main room of my game).

For right now, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have at this point. Now, I'm looking to create some text for the title screen and maybe have it so that the background itself is moving instead of having a still image.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 50

Today I got started on the fade in/fade out transition for the intro screen. I adjusted the script I shared on last day's blog. I created a create event, and two alarm events for the fading effect. Currently, the transition is smooth but shortly after it changes rooms, an error shows up that basically tells me that the script isn't functioning properly. This is what I'm trying to fix as of right now.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 49

Today I got started on the introduction screen by watching some Youtube videos. I figured to start, I needed to look into creating a smooth transition going into the intro screen as well as going out of the screen. What I plan to do is create a fade in/fade out transition. Fortunately, there are a few videos on youtube that will help me with it:

The script I am currently working around is:

create event:

alarm event:

if (fade)
if image_alpha<0

I also found a background off Google images that I feel will look good as a Intro Screen 
(especially for a game):

Monday 8 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 48

What I have planned for right now is creating an intro screen for our Game Maker project and maybe use some of the techniques I learn from it towards the loading screen. Currently, I have no solution for the loading screen and how to import an animated working screen into Game Maker. As whenever I update the splash screen, the default Game Maker one still shows up. I did a bit of research and have found out that the free version doesn't allow you to change the splash screen.

Thursday 4 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 47

Similar to what I did with the pause button I created a while back, I created 3 sub images into one sprite with the three loading screen pictures I made from Photoshop. I'm not too sure if this is something that will work out to be a loading screen but I think it is a good starting point for right now. Basically, instead of an animated .gif file (since Game Maker does not accept these), I imported the pictures as a .png sequence. What I also need to figure out is when the loading screen will be used (ie: Start of the game, when changing rooms, etc.)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 46

Today, I made a loading screen similar to the previous one. I improved it a bit by making it a simple but smoother animation. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to import the file into Game Maker since it is set to a .gif file. Since Game Maker only takes .png files for splash screen, I will try and set it as an object or background. 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 45

So today I was able to transfer the loading screen pictures onto Game Maker. Though, right now I am coming across an issue in the program. 
What I'm unsure of doing right now is placing the images into Game Maker so that it will appear when the game loads. I've tried placing the loading screen image on to the splash screen but it still won't show up, so that is the main issue I am having currently. Upon researching, I found out that a few other Game Maker users have came across identical issues regarding a loading screen. I will still continue to look for a solution/method as of right now.

Monday 1 December 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 44

Today I got starting on making the loading screen by creating the images that will be used through the use of Photoshop. What I did was create multiple loading screen images with the loading bar in different positions so it creates a moving effect. What I haven't tried doing yet is moving all the loading screen images into Game Maker so that it will create an animated look to it, what I assume will work right now is placing them all into one sprite but with multiple sub images.