

Thursday 29 January 2015

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 75 - Year End Recap

Since we are know heading down to the last few days of the course, it is time for a year end review. Going into this class, I was really excited and was looking forward to working with new programs and also exploring more in-depth with programs I have used in the past. In one of my first blog posts, I stated that I wanted to focus on Photoshop, 3D modelling, and creating a game.

I sort of worked on both Photoshop and 3D modelling at the same time which was sort of neat because I was also able to learn how to move PSD files into Cinema 4D and vice-versa. I learned that these programs were able to compliment each other so well. In Photoshop, I basically worked with lighting, colour correction, stocks and .png files. In Cinema 4D, I worked with the camera control, C4D materials, animating, and most of the basics of Cinema 4D in general.

I was also fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work two motivated and creative thinkers (Justin and Ty) on an RPG game using the program Game Maker. It was really interesting to see all these types of things you could make in this program. The game itself made a huge ton of progress and overall looks very well done for 3 high school students despite not reaching a few of the goals we had set for ourselves in the beginning. I also worked on a side project which basically represents all the stuff I have learned in Game Maker. At first, the program (for me) was really tough to use mostly due to the fact that I had no idea what I was doing half the time. But over the course of the semester, I got really familiar with the program by watching tutorials and seeing how other's were able to make their own games. I feel that I can at least say that I am half decent at using Game Maker now.


                                       *The main RPG project can be found on Ty's blog.*

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