

Thursday 6 November 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 29 (November Plan)

My plan for this month is working on an RPG  with Ty and Justin. Since I have little experience with the program, I thought I should also learn the basics along the way by making a small workable game as well. Our objectives are still the same with them being:
                                                   At least 15 story missions
At least 30 side quests
Character animation
Functional combat
Functional enemy AI
At least 17 bosses
A relatively open world
Volume Control
Save/load functionality
Different weapons/spells
An inventory screen

I was able to get a working mute button and am currently working on the sound effects. At this point I feel like I know most of the basics in this program and have decided to look into more advanced features. 

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