

Friday 14 November 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 32

Today I began working on the scripting of the pause button. For now, I decided to do just a "Resume" option on the pause screen just to get things started. What I had to do was create two objects. One representing the "Resume" button and the other representing the pause menu placeholder.

  For the pause menu screen, I used this script which basically allows the pause screen to appear when   (in this case) the escape button is pressed:

The next script I added works when I press the "Resume" button that I have placed. When this button is pressed, the entire pause menu screen disappears which returns back to the game:

For reference, I used this video below which kind of went through most of the stuff I needed to do. 
I also recommend checking out another game developer who teaches you everything you needed to know about Game Maker including making things like a pause button, menu screen, etc. For people who are working with Game Maker, his channel will probably sound familiar.

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