

Monday 24 November 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 39

Today, I moved the main pause button file that will be used for the RPG game into its own separate folder along with the mute button. For the pause button, I wasn't too sure if there was a faster way to move all the scripts used for just the pause button itself into another file, but what I decided to do was copy and paste the scripts which gets the job done as well.

Now what I have gotten started on is implementing a sound effect for when the pause button pops up. I decided use a sound effect that was provided by the school (in the hand out folder under #sounds). Using the "when ESC is pressed" action, I connected it with the sound effect I am using. The problem I'm coming across is that the sound doesn't pop up even when I use the "when ESC is pressed" action key.


  1. http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quick-tip-create-an-animated-3d-gif-in-photoshop-cs6--psd-17328
