

Monday 20 October 2014

ACSS InfoTech 2014-15 Day: 18

Today in Game Maker, I was able to make a ton of progress. I was also able to implement sprites, sounds and rooms. I also got started on creating scripts in hopes of creating a working mute button. There are plenty of helpful videos on Youtube to help anyone get started with this program. The two videos I recommend for starters of GameMaker are:

These videos basically help you get started on creating a very basic game with a background, rooms, movement, etc. I created a scrolling background by adding a picture to the room folder and set the Horizontal Speed to 1:

Adding a mute button is a more challenging task. What I did here was add a sprite for mute and used a script for when the left button of the mouse is clicked.

Tommorow, I plan on creating an object that changes sprites when clicked.

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